Due to some huge abuse of our services by bots and other automated software that produced excessive loads on our server, we had to re-design a bit our services.
Unfortunately, we had to stop offering PR checking Icons (PR buttons) that are added to a web page using the HTML code shown below, as the code turned out to be not abuse-safe.
Unfortunately, we had to stop offering PR checking Icons (PR buttons) that are added to a web page using the HTML code shown below, as the code turned out to be not abuse-safe.
So, the old page rank icons with the HTML code (so called "alternative" code), such as
<a href="http://www.prchecker.info/" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.prchecker.info/www.your-site.com-pagerank-1.gif" /></a>
<img src="http://www.prchecker.info/www.your-site.com-pagerank-1.gif" /></a>
(please note "www.site-name.com") will not work any more. The PR buttons with such codes now produce N/A or (?) pagerank, and they will completely stop working in a month or so.
Please note: We recommend all the users of our paperank checking icons to upgrade to the improved NEW pagerank buttons as soon as possible.
» Upgrade now - install a new PR button on your site
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